International Preservation Associates, Inc.


Project management of historic preservation projects and stewardship programs in the USA and internationally. 

•Creation of teams of conservation experts to address large or specialized projects.

•Technical assessment and documentation of historic buildings and archaeological sites.

•Planning for cultural heritage organizations, including strategic planning, creation of mission statements and master plans, the prioritization and development of realistic goals and actions, and the efficient allocation and scheduling of resources to reach the desired goals.

•Creation and management of cultural heritage conservation training and capacity building programs and other public outreach activities including conferences, lectures and publications. 

•Preparation of project documents, such as Requests for Proposals (RFPs), bids, grant applications, contracts, specifications, architectural schematic and final designs and in technically and financially reviewing, evaluating and approving submissions of such documents by others.

•Architectural design and consulting for historic preservation projects.


Church of St. Mamas Conservation Project, Cyprus                                                                                                                    Photo: P. Godeau

            85 Strawberry Hill St., Dover, MA 02030 USA +1 508 561 1740

                                                                       © 2011 W. Remsen