International Preservation Associates, Inc.
International Preservation Associates, Inc.
Church of St. Mamas Conservation Project, Cyprus
All Photos: W. Remsen
Kirtikli Hamam (c. 1600)
Documentation Project
Armenian Church and
Monastery (c. 1303)
•United Nations Development Programme- Action for Cooperation and Trust in Cyprus (UNDP-ACT) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Nicosia, Cyprus
A variety of consulting historic preservation services were provided, including structural and condition assessments of the historic buildings in the Buffer Zone of Nicosia and at the Holy Maronite/Catholic Monastery of Prophet Elias (c. 17th century), preparation of Request For Proposals (RFP) for the documentation and design phase and serving on the Technical and Financial Review Committee to evaluate submissions for the documentation, design, and implementation/construction phases of The Restoration of the Armenian Church and Monastery (c. 1303) Project.
•The SAVE Program/International Resources Group, Inc. (IRG), Washington DC, USA with funding from the United States Agency for International Development/Cyprus (USAID), Nicosia, Cyprus
W. Remsen was hired to serve as part-time Senior Cultural Heritage Preservation Manager and Advisor to develop and manage the SAVE Program (Support for Activities that Value the Environment Program) to safeguard and promote the natural and cultural heritage of the politically divided island of Cyprus through improvements in environmental management and cultural heritage management and development.
Numerous cultural heritage conservation projects were completed between 2005 and 2011 from Bronze Age, Classical, Gothic (Lusignan), Venetian, and Ottoman Periods.
Bellapais Abbey (c. 1200)
Environmental Monitoring